MM Group Train Law Seminar

A blessed weekend has come to MM Group as the management decided to give team players the opportunity to be more familiar and knowledgeable on the “THE TAX REFORM FOR ACCELERATION AND INCLUSION (TRAIN) ACT”. This seminar was facilitate and presented by Mr. Alfred Pabas, CPA – External Auditor of MM Group. The aim of this seminar is to help the team players to understand the principles and possible effects of the said act and other topics related to this.

The management also used this opportunity to inspire and refresh the team players by having a short training which discuss the company policies and concerns and also to hear the voice of the team players regarding the topic “Traits that can strengthen and weaken the collaborative team”. The team was divided into four groups to discuss their opinions regarding the topics and assigned one person per group to present it with the whole team.


Training and seminars can help the team players to improve themselves and the management to have a harmonious relationship with the employees. This kind of event is considered as one of the best practices that MM Group is practicing now and we are looking forward to continue having this kind of event in the coming months.

February 24, 2018